Old school Swatch Watches
Afghanistan=Sorud i Melli
Afrika Selatan=The Voice of South Africa
Afrika Tengah=Cradle of the Bantus
Albania=Anthem of the Flag
Amerika Serikat=The Star Spangled Banner
Andora=The Great Charle Peseta
Argentina=Oid Mortales EI Grito Sagrado Libertad
Australia=Advance Australian Fair
Austria=Osterreichische Bundeshymne
Bangladesh=Amar Sonar Bangla
Belanda=Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
Begia=Brabanconne Noble Belgique 0 mere cheire
Bhutan=Kingdom of Dragon Land
Bolivia=Bolivianos Elhado Propincia Corona
Botswana=Fatshe La Rona
Brazil=Ouviram do Ypiranga as Margens Placidas
Brunei Darussalam=Pujian Untuk Sultan
Bulgaria=Bulgaria Meela Zemya Na Geroi
Burundi=Cher Burundi O doux Pays
Chad=La Tchadienne
Chili=Dulce Patria (Ha casado la lucha sangrier sangrienta)
Denmark=KongKristian Stod Ved Hojen Mast
Dominika =Quisqueyanos Valientas
Dahomey/Benin=L’Aube Nouvelle
Ekuador=Salve o Patria
EI Salvador=Saludemos La Patria or Gull Losos
Ethiopia =Ityopya Hoy Das Yballish
Filipina=Filipinas (Tierra Adorada)
Fiji=God Save the Queen
Gabon=La Concorde
Gambia=The Gambia Ghana=God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
Guatemala=Guatemala Feliz
Guyana=Dear Land of Guyana
Haiti=La Dessalinienne
Honduras=Tu Bandera Es Un Lampo De Cielo
Hongaria=Himnusz (Ysten Aldd Mega Mmagyart)
India=Jana Gana Mana (Jana gama mana adhiyanaka jaya he bharata ghagya vidhata)
Indonesia=Indonesia Raya
Inggris=God Save the Queen
Irlandia=AhramNa Bh Fiann
Islandia=O GudVors Land
Italia=Fratelli D’Italia, L Italia&E Desta
Jamaika =Jamaica, Land We Love
Jerman=Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Kamboja=Our Country
Kamerun=0 Cameroon Land of Our Ancestors
Kanada=The Maple Leaf For Ever
Kenya=O, God of all Creation
Kolumbia=O, Unwithering
Kongo=Les Trois Glorieuses Korea Selatan=Sea is Drained (Ae Kulk Ga/Ogukka)
Korea Utara=Morning Sun
Kostarika=Noble Patria Tu Hermosa Bandera
Kuba=Al Combate Corred Baya Mesas
Kuwait=An Nasjidu AI Watani
Laos=Sad Lao Tang Te Deum Ma’Khun Su LuSa You Nei Asie
Lesotho=Lesotho the Country of Our Father
Libanon=Kullu Na Lil Watan Lil Ula Alam
Liberia=All Hail Liberia, All Hail
Libya adalah Allah Akbar
Lietchestein=Liechteinische Volkshymne
Luxemburg=Ons Hemecht
Madagaskar=O, Our Dear Native Land
Maladewa=Gownee Saalam
Malta=L-Innu Malti
Mauritius =Matherland
Mesir=Ha Ni AnBe Au Da To Samil Ma Kam
Mexico=Mexicanos AI Grits Guerra
Monako=Monacan Hymn
Mongolia=Our Free Revolutionary
Myanmar=Our Free Home Land
Nigeria=Nigeria We Have Thee
Norwegia=Ja Vi Elsker Dette Landet
Oman=God Save Our Sultan
Pakistan=Blessed Be The Sacred Land
Panama=EI Himno Nacional dePanama
Pantai Gading=L’ Abidjnaise
Papua Nugini=Arise All Ye Sons
Paraguay=Paraguayos Republica O Muerte

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